// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Collections;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Collections.Internal;
using Roslyn.Utilities;
namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Shared.Collections;
/// <summary>
/// Implementation of an <see cref="IIntervalTree{T}"/> backed by a contiguous array of values. This is a more memory
/// efficient way to store an interval tree than the traditional binary tree approach. This should be used when the
/// values of the interval tree are known up front and will not change after the tree is created.
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="T"></typeparam>
internal readonly struct ImmutableIntervalTree<T> : IIntervalTree<T>
private readonly record struct Node(T Value, int MaxEndNodeIndex);
public static readonly ImmutableIntervalTree<T> Empty = new(new SegmentedArray<Node>(0));
/// <summary>
/// The nodes of this interval tree flatted into a single array. The root is as index 0. The left child of any
/// node at index <c>i</c> is at <c>2*i + 1</c> and the right child is at <c>2*i + 2</c>. If a left/right child
/// index is beyond the length of this array, that is equivalent to that node not having such a child.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// The binary tree we represent here is a *complete* binary tree (not to be confused with a *perfect* binary tree).
/// A complete binary tree is a binary tree in which every level, except possibly the last, is completely filled,
/// and all nodes in the last level are as far left as possible.
/// </remarks>
private readonly SegmentedArray<Node> _array;
private ImmutableIntervalTree(SegmentedArray<Node> array)
=> _array = array;
/// <summary>
/// Provides access to lots of common algorithms on this interval tree.
/// </summary>
public IntervalTreeAlgorithms<T, ImmutableIntervalTree<T>> Algorithms => new(this);
/// <summary>
/// Creates a <see cref="ImmutableIntervalTree{T}"/> from an unsorted list of <paramref name="values"/>. This will
/// incur a delegate allocation to sort the values. If callers can avoid that allocation by pre-sorting the values,
/// they should do so and call <see cref="CreateFromSorted"/> instead.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// <paramref name="values"/> will be sorted in place.
/// </remarks>
public static ImmutableIntervalTree<T> CreateFromUnsorted<TIntrospector>(in TIntrospector introspector, SegmentedList<T> values)
where TIntrospector : struct, IIntervalIntrospector<T>
var localIntrospector = introspector;
values.Sort((t1, t2) => localIntrospector.GetSpan(t1).Start - localIntrospector.GetSpan(t2).Start);
return CreateFromSorted(introspector, values);
/// <summary>
/// Creates an interval tree from a sorted list of values. This is more efficient than creating from an unsorted
/// list as building doesn't need to figure out where the nodes need to go n-log(n) and doesn't have to rebalance
/// anything (again, another n-log(n) operation). Rebalancing is particularly expensive as it involves tons of
/// pointer chasing operations, which is both slow, and which impacts the GC which has to track all those writes.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// The values must be sorted such that given any two elements 'a' and 'b' in the list, if 'a' comes before 'b' in
/// the list, then it's "start position" (as determined by the introspector) must be less than or equal to 'b's
/// start position. This is a requirement for the algorithm to work correctly.
/// </remarks>
public static ImmutableIntervalTree<T> CreateFromSorted<TIntrospector>(in TIntrospector introspector, SegmentedList<T> values)
where TIntrospector : struct, IIntervalIntrospector<T>
var localIntrospector = introspector;
Debug.Assert(values.IsSorted(Comparer<T>.Create((t1, t2) => localIntrospector.GetSpan(t1).Start - localIntrospector.GetSpan(t2).Start)));
if (values.Count == 0)
return Empty;
// Create the array to sort the binary search tree nodes in.
var array = new SegmentedArray<Node>(values.Count);
// Place the values into the array in a way that will create a complete binary tree.
BuildCompleteTree(values, sourceStartInclusive: 0, sourceEndExclusive: values.Count, array, destinationIndex: 0);
// Next, do a pass over the entire tree, updating each node to point at the max end node in its subtree.
ComputeMaxEndNodes(array, 0, in introspector);
return new ImmutableIntervalTree<T>(array);
static void BuildCompleteTree(
SegmentedList<T> source, int sourceStartInclusive, int sourceEndExclusive, SegmentedArray<Node> destination, int destinationIndex)
var length = sourceEndExclusive - sourceStartInclusive;
if (length == 0)
// Find the element we want to make the root of this subtree.
// Note: rootIndex is computed entirely based on the length of the subtree. So it comes back in the range
// [0, length).
// To then index into source, we need to offset it by sourceStartInclusive as that is the start of the
// source corresponding to the subtree we've walked into.
var rootIndex = GetRootSourceIndex(length);
var rootIndexInSource = sourceStartInclusive + rootIndex;
// Place that element in the appropriate location in the destination.
destination[destinationIndex] = new(source[rootIndexInSource], destinationIndex);
// Now recurse into the left and right subtrees to the left/right of the root index in this subtree.
BuildCompleteTree(source, sourceStartInclusive, rootIndexInSource, destination, destinationIndex * 2 + 1);
BuildCompleteTree(source, rootIndexInSource + 1, sourceEndExclusive, destination, destinationIndex * 2 + 2);
// <param name="subtreeNodeCount">Number of nodes in this particular subtree</param>
static int GetRootSourceIndex(int subtreeNodeCount)
// Trivial case. The tree has one element. That element will be the root.
if (subtreeNodeCount == 1)
return 0;
// We are building a complete binary tree. By definition, this means that we either have a perfect tree
// (where every level is full). Or we have a tree where every level is full except the last level which is
// filled from left to right.
// The perfect case is trivial. We simply take the middle element of the array and make it the root, and
// then recurse into the left and right halves of the array.
// The height of the perfect portion of the tree (the rows that are completely full from left to right).
// This is '3' in both of the examples below. It will be the height of the whole tree if the whole tree is
// perfect itself.
var perfectPortionHeight = SegmentedArraySortUtils.Log2((uint)subtreeNodeCount + 1);
// Then number of nodes in the perfect portion. For the example trees below this is 7.
var perfectPortionNodeCount = PerfectTreeNodeCount(perfectPortionHeight);
// If the entire subtree we're looking at is perfect or not. It's perfect if every layer is full.
// In the above example, both trees are not perfect.
var wholeSubtreeIsPerfect = perfectPortionNodeCount == subtreeNodeCount;
// If we do have a perfect tree, the root item trivially the s the middle element of that tree.
var perfectPortionMidwayPoint = perfectPortionNodeCount / 2;
if (wholeSubtreeIsPerfect)
return perfectPortionMidwayPoint;
// The interesting, imperfect, cases case be demonstrated with the following examples:
// 10 elements:
// g, d, i, b, f, h, j, a, c, e
// g
// _____/ \_____
// d i
// __/ \__ / \
// b f h j
// / \ /
// a c e
// 13 elements:
// h, d, l, b, f, j, m, a, c, e, g, i, k
// h
// _____/ \_____
// d l
// __/ \__ / \
// b f j m
// / \ / \ / \
// a c e g i k
// The difference in these cases is the 'd' subtree. We either have:
// 1. not enough elements to start filling the right sibling ('i'). This is the case in the 10 element
// tree.
// 2. enough elements to fill it and start filling its right sibling ('l'). This is the case in the 13
// element tree.
// In both cases, one of the two children of the root will be a perfect tree (the right child in the 10
// element case, and the left element in the 13 element case). So, when we recurse into either, we either
// recurse into a perfect tree (which we know is trivial to handle). Or we will recurse into another tree
// that we can handle using the balancing logic below.
// The total tree height. Since we know we're not perfect, we computed based on one greater than than the
// perfect-portion height.
var nodeCountIfTreeWerePerfect = PerfectTreeNodeCount(height: perfectPortionHeight + 1);
var elementsInLastIncompleteRow = subtreeNodeCount - perfectPortionNodeCount;
var elementsInLastRowIfTreeWerePerfect = nodeCountIfTreeWerePerfect - perfectPortionNodeCount;
// The min point in the last row. If we have it filled less than half full, it's the number of elements.
// If it is more than half full, it's the midway point.
var elementsInLastRowCappedAtMidwayPoint = Math.Min(elementsInLastIncompleteRow, elementsInLastRowIfTreeWerePerfect / 2);
// The pivot point in the array. While filling up the first half of the final row, we're continually
// incrementing the pivot point (so we include more elements in the left tree). Once we hit the halfway
// point in the last row, then we want to stop incrementing the pivot point (so that we include more
// elements in the right tree).
return perfectPortionMidwayPoint + elementsInLastRowCappedAtMidwayPoint;
static int PerfectTreeNodeCount(int height)
=> (1 << height) - 1;
// Returns the max end *position* of tree rooted at currentNodeIndex. If there is no tree here (it refers to a
// null child), then this will return -1;
static int ComputeMaxEndNodes(SegmentedArray<Node> array, int currentNodeIndex, in TIntrospector introspector)
if (currentNodeIndex >= array.Length)
return -1;
var leftChildIndex = GetLeftChildIndex(currentNodeIndex);
var rightChildIndex = GetRightChildIndex(currentNodeIndex);
// ensure the left and right trees have their max end nodes computed first.
var leftMaxEndValue = ComputeMaxEndNodes(array, leftChildIndex, in introspector);
var rightMaxEndValue = ComputeMaxEndNodes(array, rightChildIndex, in introspector);
// Now get the max end of the left and right children and compare to our end. Whichever is the rightmost
// endpoint is considered the max end index.
var currentNode = array[currentNodeIndex];
var thisEndValue = introspector.GetSpan(currentNode.Value).End;
if (thisEndValue >= leftMaxEndValue && thisEndValue >= rightMaxEndValue)
// The root's end was further to the right than both the left subtree and the right subtree. No need to
// change it as that is what we store by default for any node.
return thisEndValue;
// One of the left or right subtrees went further to the right.
Contract.ThrowIfTrue(leftMaxEndValue < 0 && rightMaxEndValue < 0);
if (leftMaxEndValue >= rightMaxEndValue)
// Set this node's max end to be the left subtree's max end.
var maxEndNodeIndex = array[leftChildIndex].MaxEndNodeIndex;
array[currentNodeIndex] = new Node(currentNode.Value, maxEndNodeIndex);
return leftMaxEndValue;
Contract.ThrowIfFalse(rightMaxEndValue > leftMaxEndValue);
// Set this node's max end to be the right subtree's max end.
var maxEndNodeIndex = array[rightChildIndex].MaxEndNodeIndex;
array[currentNodeIndex] = new Node(currentNode.Value, maxEndNodeIndex);
return rightMaxEndValue;
private static int GetLeftChildIndex(int nodeIndex)
=> (2 * nodeIndex) + 1;
private static int GetRightChildIndex(int nodeIndex)
=> (2 * nodeIndex) + 2;
bool IIntervalTree<T>.Any<TIntrospector, TIntervalTester>(int start, int length, in TIntrospector introspector, in TIntervalTester intervalTester)
=> IntervalTreeHelpers<T, ImmutableIntervalTree<T>, /*TNode*/ int, FlatArrayIntervalTreeWitness>.Any(this, start, length, introspector, intervalTester);
int IIntervalTree<T>.FillWithIntervalsThatMatch<TIntrospector, TIntervalTester>(
int start, int length, ref TemporaryArray<T> builder,
in TIntrospector introspector, in TIntervalTester intervalTester,
bool stopAfterFirst)
return IntervalTreeHelpers<T, ImmutableIntervalTree<T>, /*TNode*/ int, FlatArrayIntervalTreeWitness>.FillWithIntervalsThatMatch(
this, start, length, ref builder, in introspector, in intervalTester, stopAfterFirst);
IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator()
=> GetEnumerator();
IEnumerator<T> IEnumerable<T>.GetEnumerator()
=> GetEnumerator();
public IntervalTreeHelpers<T, ImmutableIntervalTree<T>, /*TNode*/ int, FlatArrayIntervalTreeWitness>.Enumerator GetEnumerator()
=> IntervalTreeHelpers<T, ImmutableIntervalTree<T>, /*TNode*/ int, FlatArrayIntervalTreeWitness>.GetEnumerator(this);
/// <summary>
/// Wrapper type to allow the IntervalTreeHelpers type to work with this type.
/// </summary>
internal readonly struct FlatArrayIntervalTreeWitness : IIntervalTreeWitness<T, ImmutableIntervalTree<T>, int>
public T GetValue(ImmutableIntervalTree<T> tree, int node)
=> tree._array[node].Value;
public int GetMaxEndNode(ImmutableIntervalTree<T> tree, int node)
=> tree._array[node].MaxEndNodeIndex;
public bool TryGetRoot(ImmutableIntervalTree<T> tree, out int root)
root = 0;
return tree._array.Length > 0;
public bool TryGetLeftNode(ImmutableIntervalTree<T> tree, int node, out int leftNode)
leftNode = GetLeftChildIndex(node);
return leftNode < tree._array.Length;
public bool TryGetRightNode(ImmutableIntervalTree<T> tree, int node, out int rightNode)
rightNode = GetRightChildIndex(node);
return rightNode < tree._array.Length;